SOLANDES Travel PERU - solandes.com
Your specialist for unforgettable Trips to Peru - Latinamerica
We want to share with you the passion for our country and give you an unforgettable travel experience. In addition to our route suggestions, we offer you the opportunity to put in every trip your ideas, your personal needs and everything what you want to see and feel. Here we are with our experience and knowledge available to give you our support.
All trips are for individual travellers or existing groups designed, including English-speaking guides and tour conductors.
Our goal is the best and fast communication to do your trip as you wish.
Enjoy y un buen viaje! | The SOLANDES Team | Contact us now! Deutsch, English y Castellano
Your specialist for unforgettable Trips to Peru - Latinamerica
We want to share with you the passion for our country and give you an unforgettable travel experience. In addition to our route suggestions, we offer you the opportunity to put in every trip your ideas, your personal needs and everything what you want to see and feel. Here we are with our experience and knowledge available to give you our support.
All trips are for individual travellers or existing groups designed, including English-speaking guides and tour conductors.
Our goal is the best and fast communication to do your trip as you wish.
Enjoy y un buen viaje! | The SOLANDES Team | Contact us now! Deutsch, English y Castellano

Die Stärken unserer Agentur liegen nicht nur in den verschiedenen Reisen und Reisebausteinen, sondern vor allem in der umfassenden, individuellen und persönlichen Beratung.
Diese Dienstleistung steht bei uns an oberster Stelle. Profitiere von unserem Know-how und der langjährigen Erfahrung mit Reisen durch Peru.
Unser Team beantwortet deine Fragen gerne auf Deutsch.
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Die Stärken unserer Agentur liegen nicht nur in den verschiedenen Reisen und Reisebausteinen, sondern vor allem in der umfassenden, individuellen und persönlichen Beratung.
Diese Dienstleistung steht bei uns an oberster Stelle. Profitiere von unserem Know-how und der langjährigen Erfahrung mit Reisen durch Peru.
Unser Team beantwortet deine Fragen gerne auf Deutsch.
Kontaktiere uns einfach >>>